 To care and comfort.
 To counsel women, youth and children.
 To educate women/youth in communities and schools on family health and relationships especially about HIV/AIDS and STDs.
 To support women in income generating projects.
 Educate the less privileged (orphans).
 To provide basic needs to the most vulnerable.
 To provide Marriage counseling.

In all areas of our services, we share knowledge and expertise with our partners in humanity and refer cases we cannot handle to relevant organizations such as :- Hospitals, Churches, and Orphanage homes.

Special thanks go to all our partners who have made our work a success through financial assistance, education, voluntary working, clothing and medical assistance.
Our clients are raising their hands to any one who can give them a gift of smile as they try to cope with day to day hardship.

A grand mother left with 18 grand children, all orphaned by HIV /Aids.
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